Monday, March 9, 2009

Caution: Contruction Zone

Easy girl. Don't get too excited just yet. Yes, the date went great and he's even better looking in person....and the conversation was really good...and he seems to be on the same page....BUT IT'S A FIRST DATE.

***now would be a good time for that meditation***

So the Helmeted Hottie was really great. Better than expected. Granted, he may not be the 6 figure income financier or even close to that, but he is extremely passionate about what he does.

During the course of the evening I would remember tips I got from the Tao, and I would find myself saying over and over, "remember the Yin with the Yang!!" when I found myself talking too much about my masculine hobbies or coming off too "tough" or "businessy".

I still need to give my recap of the last few chapters but so much of it was fresh in my mind tonight and I was thankful for it. Not saying it was a direct result of having read those chapters, but this was quite possibly one of the best first dates I have had in a VERY long time. I don't think those chapters hurt, that's for sure.

Before I start naming our future children or writing out my last name as his (totally kidding with this), I'm going to be cautious this time. Not too cautious, but cautious enough that I don't allow myself to get emotionally invested before he's proven that he is worthy of that investment.

There were so many poignant tips in those last few chapters that relate to tonight, but the play by play will have to wait till tomorrow. It's late and I just wanted to give a quick update that the date went very well. Better than expected. The battle was won tonight, but we have yet to win the war!!!

Sweet dreams...fellow Gods and Goddesses!!

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